Top 10 Riddles and Puzzles of 2016 (6 to 10)

2016 has been great and we are reaching the end of the year. At this time, I decided to look back for a moment and find out the best of the riddles and puzzles of the year. The ranking is purely decided on the amount of buzz it created online. So here’s the list of the … Read more

The Top 5 Riddles & Puzzles of 2016 (Jan to June)

We are half way through 2016. A good time to check look back and see what riddles you liked and shared. The top riddles are decided solely by the page views that the riddle has got. Page Views can be directly related to likeability of the riddle. As more the people like it more they … Read more

Word Riddle Games: Hidden Deep Inside There’s Great Beauty in Me

Read the hints given in the riddle and guess the word. Rough and gray as rock, I’m plain as plain can be. But hidden deep inside there’s great beauty in me. What am I? Share it with your friends on WhatsApp and Facebook. Word riddles are very helpful in improving your logical reasoning skills and … Read more

Word Riddle Games: What Has A Tongue That Can’t Speak

Read the hints in the riddle and guess the word. What has a tongue that can’t speak, eyes that can’t see and a soul that can’t be saved? Were you able to guess the word hinted in the riddle? Then share it with your friends on Facebook and WhatsApp.

What Is As Big As An Elephant But Weighs Nothing?

Fun time – Riddle time What Is As Big As An Elephant But Weighs Nothing? Children really love these kinds of fun riddles so do share it with all the kids and also share it with your friends on Facebook and WhatsApp.

Rebus: Guess the Word From the Hints in the Riddle

Rebus are riddles where a word or a phrase is represented by a image, symbol or set of words. In this picture riddle you will see certain phrases that are represented in the pciture below; Can you guess these phrases? Once you were able to guess all 3 test your friends by sharing it on … Read more