Time for a quick geometry lesson.
So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below.
If you get the correct answer, please share it with your friends and family on WhatsApp, Facebook and other social networking sites.
Answer: 36.
Polygon (Pantagon)
ABC, ACD, ADE, BCD, BDE,BEA, CDE, CEA,DAB, EBC = No. of triangles = n = 10
AB, BC, CD, DE, AE = No of sides = r = 5
Total Number of Triangles =?
We use combination method: 10c5 = 10!/5!(10-5)!=10!/5!5!=(
Note: nCr = n!/r!(n-r)!
Answer contributed by: Dr. Nadeem Hussain Qureshi (dnhq1970@gmail.com)
Actually their are 35 only….not 36….your method is wrong!
You are right!
Polygon (Pantagon)
ABC, ACD, ADE, BCD, BDE,BEA, CDE, CEA,DAB, EBC = No. of triangles = n = 10
AB, BC, CD, DE, AE = No of sides = r = 5
Total Number of Triangles =?
We use combination method: 10c5 = 10!/5!(10-5)!=10!/5!5!=(
Note: nCr = n!/r!(n-r)!
Dr. Nadeem Hussain Qureshi (dnhq1970@gmail.com)
Nicely solved 🙂
Thanks Nadeem
Posting it to the blog
The combination answer is wrong,it cannot be 36!
And total triangles could be 35 and not 36.