Look at this picture riddle and answer the question.
Guess how many faces are there in this tree.
Indians can also try and guess the personalities in the picture.
So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below.
You can check if your answer is correct by clicking on show answer below. If you get the right answer, please do share the riddle with your friends and family on WhatsApp, Facebook and other social networking sites.
i can see only 10
I think your answer is wrong. There are 11 faces, not 10. Need to add the extra one. Facebook friends are having disputes about 10 or 11.
Hey Don, Checked again I see only 10.
I guess you won’t be able to name them as they are all Indian Leaders…but if possible can you mark the faces and mail me the 11 faces?
or give me the link to the Facebook comments, where I can figure out where the 11th face is.
Thanks 🙂
Actually I see 12 faces…. send me an email address and I will send the graphic with the outlines of the two really hidden ones.
10 faces